Our Top Summer Food Trends

Food trends change as quickly as fashion trends, one minute you’re happily munching on your avocado smash and the next you’ve been told that if there’s no kale included it is no longer insta- worthy (just kidding, avocado will always have our hearts). As Summer has made its way to London, we’ve picked out our favourite food trends that we’re most looking forward to (paired with a Pimm’s, of course).

Porridge, Yoghurt & Muesli

Summer 2016 still means that we’re watching our figures and wanting more of the lighter and healthier options. Expect to see more porridge and yoghurt based healthy treats popping up around London Town. A variety of grains with both sweet and savoury toppings will replace your mid morning snack – and we’re all for this healthier alternative to our coffee-and-chocolate-biscuit break to get us through to lunch.

Melon Juice

Yes, the cold pressed and healthy juice phase is still upon us and is likely to stick around for awhile. The new front runner in the juice biz is the sweet and refreshing melon, beating out long time favourite coconut water as our next preferred way to stay hydrated in the summer months.


Out with the kale and in with the seaweed. Already a staple in our sushi, Japanese and Asian dishes, seaweed is going to break out into western restaurants as the new ‘in’ thing. High in protein, with anti viral, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties, and with more vitamin C than oranges, we’re excited to give this new trend a try!

Raw Puddings

Starting in health food stores and restaurants over the last few years, there is going to be even more of a shift to the raw and uncooked treats throughout London. We’ll find pop up stores and even less health food focussed restaurants will start offering more and more of these delicious treats.

Bowl Foods

We love trends, and even when it comes to HOW our food is given to us too. Last year everything had to be on a wooden board, this year it’s everything in a bowl. Powerbowls, smoothie bowls, hummus bowls and globowls, they’re all already around but they will be popping up with force for summer. Our favourites are acai bowls, making a perfect light and healthy lunch option to graze on while basking in the summer sun. 

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